Our Accounting Services
For a fixed monthly fee, our team will take care of all your accounting, payroll and tax needs, making your accounting truly Stress-free.
All Monthly Accounting Packages Include:
Dedicated Professionals to assist with all queries
Payroll processing and submitting all returns
Submission of all Tax returns: VAT, Provisional Tax, Income Tax and Dividends Tax
Independently Compiled Financial Statements
Non-VAT Registered Package
Quoted monthly
Standard Inclusions
Monthly processing of transactions as per your bank statement (no supplier invoice processing)
Monthly Reports and Recons
VAT Registered Package
Quoted monthly
Standard Inclusions
Monthly processing of all transactions including supplier invoices
Monthly Reports and Recons
Outsourced Financial Manager
Quoted monthly
Standard Inclusions
Daily processing of all transactions including supplier invoices
Weekly Reports and Recons
Accounting Payroll only Packages
Packages Include:
Monthly payslips and Leave Management
Monthly payment batches and EMP201 submission
Bi-annual EMP501 submissions
All compliance submissions
Expense Claims
1-10 Employees
Quoted monthly
11-50 Employees
Quoted monthly
51-100 Employees
Quoted monthly
100+ Employees
Quoted monthly
Specialised Stand-alone Accounting Services
Not interested in a package? We can assist you with Accounting Services, Independent Reviews, Tax Services and Advisory on a stand-alone basis.
Accounting & Independent Reviews
Accounting and Bookkeeping
Independent Reviews
Reporting and Forecasting
Financial Statement Preparation
Tax Services
Companies Tax
Value Added Tax
Employees Tax - PAYE, UIF, SDL, EMP501, UI19 and Compensation Commissioner
Individual Income Tax
SARS and CIPC Compliance Planning
Technical Accounting Papers & Advice
Business Advisory
Valuation and Modelling
Business Systems: Software, Support and Training
We are an accounting firm that provides you with dedicated accounting services that will assist you to make your accounting stress-free, all for a FIXED MONTHLY FEE.
While the arrangement is tailored to each individual client's needs, the overarching goal remains consistent: to alleviate as much of the accounting burden as operationally feasible and to deliver timely management reports.
You gain access to a complete team of professionals at a fraction of the cost. By outsourcing, you not only reduce your workload but also have the added benefit of lowering your expenses.
Not interested in a package? We can assist you with Accounting Services, Independent Reviews, Tax Services and Advisory on a stand-alone basis.
Book a Free Consultation
Let’s discuss your specific needs. Book a free consultation with us below.