Ernst Botha Ernst Botha

Business Tax Guide: SARS Preparation, Verifications and Audits (2024)

As individuals gear up for the 2024 tax season, many have access to a wide range of self-help guides and the convenience of auto-assessments, making it easier to prepare and file their tax returns accurately and efficiently. But what about small and medium businesses without the luxury of having tax accountants on call?

In this article, we provide essential tips to assist any business in preparing and filing tax returns. We also explain the key differences between a SARS verification and an audit after filing your tax returns.

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Ernst Botha Ernst Botha

Outsource to an accounting firm? (2024)

Managing your finances effectively has become more important than ever in today's ever changing and rapidly advancing corporate world. Small and large businesses are outsourcing accounting functions to accounting firms, rather than keeping in-house accountants or bookkeepers. While there are various manners in which this approach can benefit your business, the following blog shows the key reasons to hire an accounting firm near you.

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Ernst Botha Ernst Botha

Do I need to file a tax return? (2024)

The 2024 tax season is around the corner!

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has released the tax filing dates for 2024, however, have also specified some taxpayers who would not have to submit a tax return.

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